Welcome to the CMR
Advisory Council


International CMR Colloquium 19 - 20 SEPTEMBER 2024

The CMR Advisory Council organized a colloquium on the uniform interpretation of CMR on the 19–20 September 2024 in Stockholm.

More information on the page “News and Events”: https://www.cmr-ac.org/council-members-correspondents/#news


The CMR Advisory Council is an academic initiative which aims at promoting a uniform and autonomous interpre­tation of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (Geneva, 19 May 1956) (CMR).
The CMR Advisory Council was set up in October 2023 by a group of academics specializing in international transport. The Council members do not represent countries or legal cultures, their sole objective is to improve uniform law by:

  • making – as an amicus curiae to courts and arbitral tribunals in the contracting states – judicial and arbitral decisions, legal doctrine and preparatory works on the CMR Convention more easily accessible,
  • providing independent, impartial and well-informed legal opinions upon interpretation issues arising under CMR.

Objectives of the Council

The purpose of the Council shall be to:

  • promote a uniform interpretation of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) by the Courts and transport stakeholders, as guided by the preamble of the Convention.
  • address issues brought to the Council’s attention via formal requests of individuals or organizations within the international community or on the Council’s own initiative, subject to Article III.1.
  • issue and publish opinions and declarations on the interpretation, application, and in general the role of the Convention ss guided by its preamble in the two official languages of the CMR and in other languages required for the dissemination of these opinions.
  • follow and support further work on harmonization and unification of law in the field of international transport law.
  • contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on international transport law.


Were elected :

  • as Chairman: Pr. Frank Smeele – Erasmus University – Rotterdam – The Netherlands
  • as Vice-Chair: Pr. Cécile Legros – Université de Rouen Normandie – France
  • as Secretary: M. Kolacz – Maastricht University – The Netherlands

Upcoming events

OPINIONS. Work on the first opinions on Article 1.1. and Article 2.1. CMR has progressed. The first opinions are expected soon.

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CMR. Stockholm/Sweden – 19 & 20 September 2024 (programme coming soon)

REGISTRATION LINK : https://enquetes-ng.univ-rouen.fr/index.php/972246?lang=en

PROGRAMME : https://www.cmr-ac.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Program-CMR-Colloquium-2024-vdef.pdf