Secretary of the CMR-AC
The Nederlands
Vice-Chair of the CMR-AC
Akgül | Tahir | Turkey | Akgül Law Firm | Lawyer | |
Andrade Dias | Mateus | Portugal | Andrade Dias & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados | Lawyer | |
Banys | Marius | Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania | Law firm COBALT | Lawyer | |
Bokareva | Olena | Sweden | Univ. Lund | Assistant professor | |
Bonjour | Gaëlle | France | IDIT | Researcher – CMR IDIT website manager | |
Chilaeva | Maya | United Kingdom | Commercial barrister | Quadrant Chambers | www.quadrantchambers.com/our-people/maya-chilaeva |
Couturier | Ludovic | France | IDIT | Director | www.idit.fr |
Graafl | Gyöngyi | Hungary | Grafl Legal Sevices | Lawyer | |
Gruber | Alexandre | France | Lmt Avocats | Lawyer | |
Ha Ngoc | Julie | France | Univ. Rouen Normandie | Assistant professor | |
Chilaeva | Maya | UK | Quadrant Chambers | Lawyer | |
Ingratoci | Cinzia | Italy | Univ. Messina | Professor | |
Jurkus | Nerijus | Lithuania | Law firm COBALT | Lawyer | |
Letacq | Frédéric | France | IDIT | Researcher | www.idit.fr |
Marino | Adele | Italy | Univ. Messina | Associate Professor of Transport Law | |
Pellegrino | Francesca | Italy | Univ. Messina | Professor | |
Petrović Tomić | Nataša | Serbia | Univ. Belgrade | Professor | |
Selan Voglar | Margita | Slovenia | Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. | Dir. Insurance | |
Šiuškaitė | Vaida | Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania | Law firm COBALT | Lawyer | |
Stevens | Frank | The Netherlands | Univ. Erasmus Rotterdam | Assistant professor |
Publications of the members and correspondents in relation with the CMR
C. Legros | CMR, Compétence juridictionnelle & appel en garantie [CMR: jurisdiction and indemnity claims] (à propos de [on] : Cour d’appel, Paris, Pôle 5, chambre 16, 6 Feb. 2024, n° 23/07436 | European Transport law (ETL) | 2024 | vol. LIX n°3| pp. 347-354.| Ref. HAL: hal-04694011v1 |
C. Legros | CMR, La stipulation d’une clause attributive de juridiction au profit de la High Court de Londres n’est pas un usage du transport maritime de marchandises [The stipulation of a jurisdiction clause in favour of the High Court of London is not customary in the maritime carriage of goods] (à propos de [on] : Cass. com. (France), 13 Sept. 2023, no. 22-16.884 | Journal du droit international (Clunet)| 2024 | n° 1, Janvier-Février-Mars | comm. 3, p. 140-156. | HAL: hal-04694067v1.|
C. Legros | La force du précédent en droit britannique ou les limites de l’interprétation uniforme des conventions internationales de droit matériel [The Force of Precedent in British Law or the Limits of Uniform Interpretation of International Conventions of Substantive Law ] (à propos de [on] : JTI POLSKA Sp. Z o.o. and others v Jakubowski and others [2023] UKSC 19) | Journal du droit international (Clunet) n°4 | 2023 | var.7 | pp. 1261-1274 | Réf. HAL: hal-04264929v1 |
F.G.M. Smeele | Gevolgschade, beredderingskosten en het CMR-verdrag [Consequential damage, mitigation costs and the CMR Convention] | Weg en Wagen (100) | 2023 | pp. 30-37 |
C. Legros | Creating a CMR Interpretative Committee: The CMR Advisory Council, in Transport Faced with the Challenges of Technological Development and Globalization (dir. A. Puetz et MV. Petit Lavall) | COLEX | 2022 | pp. 189-203 | Réf. HAL : hal-04047192v1
W. Verheyen & M.K. Kolacz | Enhancing safety in B2c delivery chains | (2022) |Transport Policy | p.12.
M.K. Kolacz | Artykuł 20, 21, 22, 58, 59, 60 CISG | in: Konrad Iwiński, Ingeborg Schwenzer (eds.) Konwencja Narodów Zjednoczonych o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów (CISG). Komentarz [translation of the Schwenzer CISG commentary with adjustment to the Polish legal order] | C.H. Beck | 2021 |
D. Dabrowski (co-authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk, K. Garnowski) Umowa przewozu osób i rzeczy w prawie polskim: stan obecny i kierunki zmian [The contract for carriage of passengers and goods in Polish law: current state and directions of change] Warszawa | 2020 |
D. Dabrowski (co-authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk) | Prawo przewozowe. Komentarz [The Transport Law Act. Commentary] | Warszawa | 2020 |
C. Legros | Le Commissionnaire de transport et ses Homologues européens : quel régime juridique applicable aux contrats internationaux ? [The freight forwarder and his European counterparts: what is the legal regime applicable to international contracts?] | Revue TRANSIDIT n°75/2020 | p.68
C. Legros & F. Letacq | Interpretation of the CMR by the judges. Country report: France | IDIT, https://www.idit.fr/rapports-pays/index.php | 2020 |
A. Puetz | Las limitaciones a la responsabilidad del transportista y su superación convencional en la Ley del Contrato de Transporte Terrestre de Mercancías [Limitations on the carrier’s liability and how they can be exceeded in the law on the carriage of goods by land] | RDM (ISSN: 0210-0797) | 317 | 2020 | pp.397-425.
N. Radionov & A. Padovan | Interpretation of the CMR by the judges. Country report: Croatia / Hrvatska | IDIT, https://www.idit.fr/rapports-pays/index.php | 2020 |
N. Radionov | Suspension of the period of limitation under the CMR and silence of the carrier: new approach | European Transport | 1/2020 | pp.1-17 |
D. Dabrowski, (co‑authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk), Międzynarodowe konwencje przewozowe [International Transport Conventions], Szczecin 2019.
T. Eckardt | Art. 22-51 CMR | in: Commercial Law – Article-by-Article Commentary | Ed. Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, Verlag |C.H. Beck/Nomos/Hart Publishing | München/Baden-Baden/Oxford | 2019 | ISBN 978-3-8487-3315-6 |
C. Legros | Improving International Uniform Transport Law by Creating Interpretative Committees, in Maritime Research Handbook on Maritime Law and Regulation | Edward Elgar Publishing 2019 | p.12. | Réf. HAL: hal-02134267
A. Puetz | Rules on Jurisdiction and Recognition or Enforcement of Judgments in Specialised Conventions on Transport in the Aftermath of TNT: Dynamite or Light in the Dark? | The European Legal Forum | ISSN: 2192-7138) | 5-6/2018 | pp. 117-125 |
D. Dabrowski | Electronic transport documents in international law | (in:) The Law of New Technologies in the International Dimension | ed. by J. Osiejewicz | Regensburg | 2017 |
T. Eckardt | Article 29 CMR | Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR) | 2017 | pp.72-78 |
T. Eckardt | Article 17 CMR | In: TVR | 2017 | pp.48-50 |
T. Eckardt | Article 17 CMR und Article 29 CMR | CMR 60 years – Time for retirement or future proof? | Dr. Wouter Verheyen (Ed.) | Paris Legal Publishers | 2017 | ISBN: 9789462511484 | pp.39-43 and 63-73 |
D.A. Glass (With A Messent) | 4th ed of Hill and Messent’s CMR: Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (5th edition due in 2023) | Informa Law | 2017 | 438pp |
A. Gruber | How Article 17.2 of the CMR is interpreted by the French courts | Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht | 2017-2 | p.47 |
M.K. Kolacz & G. Hopster | When Technology takes the Wheel Is the CMR ready to meet the demand for Autonomous Transportation? | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | 2017 1/2 | pp.41-48 |
C. Legros | The CISG Advisory Council: A Model to Improve Uniform Application of the CMR? | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, n°1/2-2017 | pp. 23-36 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.7590/187714617X14913986024443 | Réf. HAL: hal-01653963 |
F. Pellegrini | The interpretation of article 13 CMR: recent italian cases law | in Transportrecht | 2017 | pp.399-406 |
C. Polderman & W. Verheyen | CMR-rechtspraak en vervoerspraktijk: 2 verschillende werelden? [Jurisprudence CMR et pratique du transport : 2 mondes différents ?] | Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht / Revue de Droit Commercial Belge | 2017 | Vol. 2017 | iss. 6, 575 – 585 |
N. Radionov | Normative anomalies of the road carriers’ liability regime in Croatia and the SEE region | in: Thomas, D.R. and Lamont-Black, S. (eds): „Current Issues in Freight Forwarding: law and logistics“ | Lawtext Publishing Limited, Edinburgh, UK | 2017 |
W. Verheyen | CMR-rechtspraak en vervoerspraktijk: 2 verschillende werelden? | Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht / Revue de Droit Commercial Belge | 2017 | Vol. 2017 | iss. 6, 575 |
W. Verheyen | CMR 60 years. Time for retirement or future proof | Paris Legal Publishers | 2017 |
W. Verheyen | Is CMR fit as the applicable regime for B2c e-commerce deliveries? | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | 2017 | Vol. 9; iss. 1, 31 |
W. Verheyen | The carrier as transport architect: liability for bad choices? | Transportrecht | 2017 |
D. Dabrowski |Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego Problemy [The multimodal carrier’s liability for non-localized loss] | Transportu i Logistyki | 2016 | nr 4 |
T. Eckardt | Art. 22-51 CMR | in: Commercial Law – Article-by-Article Commentary | Ed. Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, Verlag |C.H. Beck/Nomos/Hart Publishing | München/Baden-Baden/Oxford | 2019 | ISBN 978-3-8487-3315-6 |
C. Legros | Modalités de l’interprétation uniforme de la CMR: Quelles difficultés? Quels remèdes? [Modalities of the uniform interpretation of the CMR: What difficulties? What remedies?] | Uniform Law Review, Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | pp. 427-431 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ulr/unw032 | Réf. HAL: hal-01653976 |
C. Legros | Les difficultés posées par les règles de compétence juridictionnelle et d’arbitrage de la CMR [Challenges posed by jurisdiction and arbitration rules in the CMR] | Uniform Law Review, Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | pp. 577-590 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ulr/unw033 | Réf. HAL: hal-02134015 |
F.G.M. Smeele | De expediteur in Boek 8 BW [The freight forwarder in Book 8 Dutch Civil Code] | Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR), 2016 | pp. 106-115 |
N. Radionov | Limitation of liability right in road freight carriage in Croatia: an extinct institute | Uniform Law Review | Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | p.457 |
J. Schelin | CMR Convention in a law and economics perspective | Uniform Law Review | Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | p.434 |
W. Verheyen | National judges as gatekeepers to the CMR Convention | Uniform Law Review | Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | p.441 |
D. Dabrowski (co-authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk) | Konwencja o umowie międzynarodowego przewozu drogowego towarów (CMR). Komentarz [Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR). Commentary] | Warszawa | 2015 |
M.K. Kolacz | Cargo bundling – contribution to the Sustainable Transportation | (2015) | Marius. Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law | vol. 459 | pp.263-291 |
C. Legros | Interpreting International Shipping Law with EU Soft Law Instruments | (2015) | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | pp.32-38 |
F.G.M. Smeele | Harmonising the Fragmented Law of Transport Through Soft Law? | (2015) | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | pp.62-66 |
F.G.M. Smeele | Legal Conceptualisations of the Freight Forwarder: Some comparative reflections on the disunified law of forwarding | Journal of International Maritime Law (JIML) | 2015 | pp.445-459 |
W. Verheyen | Forum clauses in carriage contracts after the Brussels I (bis) Regulation: procedural (un)certainty? | (2015) | The Journal of International Maritime Law | 21 (1) | pp.23-38 |
W. Verheyen | EEX(bis) and CMR: the return of parallel proceedings? | (2015) Europees Vervoerrecht | 50 (2) | pp.145-170 |
D.A. Glass (With A Messent), Freight Forwarding and Multimodal Transport Contracts | 2nd ed. Informa Law | 2012 | 487pp |
A. Puetz | Transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera y sumisión a arbitraje: problemas en la aplicación del artículo 33 CMR [International carriage of goods by road and submission to arbitration: problems of application of Article 33 CMR] | Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones | ISSN: 1888-5373 | IV-3 | 2011 | pp. 869-884 |
T. Eckardt (Co-Autor) | Multimodal Transport including Cross-Border Road Haulage – Will the CMR apply? | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) | 2010 | pp.153-162 |
F.G.M. Smeele | Rome I en vervoersovereenkomsten [Rome I and contracts of carriage], in: WPNR 2009/6824 | pp. 1015-1019 |
F.G.M. Smeele | Implicaties Rome-II voor het zee- en vervoerrecht [Implications of Rome-II for maritime and transport law] | in: F.G.M. Smeele (ed.) | Conflictenrecht in ontwikkeling | 2009 | pp 29-48 |
J. Schelin | Methods of interpreting the CMR Convention, Transportrecht | 25 (2002) | pp.382-384 |
F.G.M. Smeele | Dutch case law on Art. 29 CMR revisited | ETL | 36 (2001) | pp.37-40 |
D.A. Glass (With P. Todd & M. Clarke) | Standard Form Contracts for the Carriage of Goods | Lloyd’s of London Press Ltd | 2000 |
D.A. Glass | Article 2 of the CMR Convention – A Reappraisal | 2000 | Journal of Business Law 562 | 25pp |
F.G.M. Smeele | Dutch case law on Art. 29 CMR | ETL 35 | (2000) pp. 329-341 |
B. Mercadal & F. Letacq | Application conventionnelle de la Convention de Genève (CMR) à un transport interne de marchandises par route [Conventional application of the Geneva Convention (CMR) to the internal carriage of goods by road] | Recueil Dalloz | (1998) | Jurisprudence | p.143 |
N. Radionov |Osnova I vrsta odgovornosti prijevoznika za štetu u cestovnom prijevozu stvari, Zbornik [Basis and type of carrier liability for damage in road haulage, Procedure review] |48 (1998) | 199-220 | pp. 327-355 |
F.G.M. Smeele | International carriage | in : M. Koppenol-Laforce et al. (eds.), | International contracts, Sweet & Maxwell | 1996, pp. 213-237 |
D.A. Glass | Is it possible to revise the CMR? (Art. 42-51) | in: IRU (ed), International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) | London | 1987 | 183 |
D.A. Glass | CMR: Putting Practice into Theory | LMCLQ | (1984) | 30 |
D.A. Glass | The Divided Heart of C.M.R. | ETL 14 | (1979) | pp.687 |
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