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Year: 1979

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    WETTER, J.

    WETTER, J., The Time Bar Regulations in the CMR Convention , Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, (1979), 504

    VREBOS, J. et al.

    VREBOS, J. et al., Etude économique comparée des transports combinés par container et de type RO/RO [Economic study comparing combined transports and of the type RoRo], European Transport Law (ETL) 1979, p. 720-724.


    SILINGARDI, G., Trasporto stradale di colli definiti « pacchi postali » e limitazione di responsabilità assicurata al c.d. corriere [Road Transport of Parcels Defined as ‘Postal Parcels’ and Limitation of Liability Insured to the So-Called Courier], Trasporti, 17/1979, 146.

    PONET, F.

    PONET, F., De overeenkomst van internationaal wegvervoer, CMR (op grond van internationale rechtspraak 1963 – 1978) [The contract of international road transport, CMR (under international case law 1963 – 1978)] , Antwerpen, 1979, XXXI – 484.

    HELM, J.G.

    HELM, J.G., Frachtrecht, Güterbeförderung auf der Straße [Transport law, Carriage of goods by road], Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1979, 556 pp.

    HAAK, K.F.

    HAAK, K.F., Rechtsvinding in het internationale lucht- en wegvervoerrecht [Applying the law in international road and air transport], Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB) 1979, p. 25-30.


    HARDINGHAM, A. C., The Delay Provisions of CMR , Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, (1979), 193.


    HARDINGHAM, A. C., Aspects of the Limitation of Actions under CMR , Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, (1979), 362

    GLASS, D.A.

    GLASS, D.A., The Divided Heart of C.M.R. (about Ulster-Wwift and pig marketing board (Northern Ireland) v. Taunton meat haulage ltd. Fransen ireland) v. Taunton meat haulage ltd. Fransen), European Transport Law, 14 (1979), 687

    GLASS, D.A.

    GLASS, D.A., C.M.R. – The trickle continues – Case commentary on Moto Vespa v. MAT (Brittania Express) Ltd., and Mateu S.A. and Vinoente Belloch Galvez, [1979] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 175., (1979) 9 Kingston Law Review 231.