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Year: 1980
Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Authors | Year | Citation |
ROESCH, H., Haftet der Strassenfrachtführer in Fällen positiver Vertragsverletzung vertraglich auch über die, Bestimmungen der KVO und der CMR hinaus? [Is the carrier contractually liable in cases of positive breach of contract, even beyond the provisions of the CMR?], Betriebs-Berater, 16 (1980), 812 |
PUTZEYS, J., Le contrat de transport routier de marchandises [Contract for the carriage of goods by road] , Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1980 ; |
MIKKELSEN, J. A.., Foraeldelsesregler i CMR-Loven [The compensation regulator in CMR legislation], Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, 114 (1980), 149. |
GRIGOLI, M., In tema di responsabilità del vettore internazionale di merci su strada – osservazione a Cass. 16 settembre 1980, n. 5269 [On the subject of liability of the international road haulage carrier – remark to Cass. September 16, 1980, No. 5269], Giustizia Civile, 30 (1980), I, 2373 |
GRIGOLI, M., Sulla dichiarazione del mittente in merito al valore della merce da trasportare su strada [On the shipper’s declaration of the value of the goods to be transported by road], Giustizia Civile, 30 (1980), II, 262 |
BRUNAT, L., La réforme du droit des transports. A propos du transfert en droit interne de certaines dispositions de la C.M.R. [The reform of transport law. On the transfer of certain provisions of the C.M.R. into national law.], Bulletin des Transports, (1982), 130. |
BAUNACK, Die Haftung der Eisenbahn bei der Beförderung von Gütern im kombinierten Ladungsverkehr, zweiter Teil: Huckepack-Verkehr [The liability of the railway in the carriage of goods in combined traffic, part two: piggyback transport], Transportrecht, 1980, pp. 109 |