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Year: 1986

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation


    VIOLLAND, M., Déréglementer ou libéraliser les transports routiers de marchandise? [Deregulating or liberalising road haulage?], Transports, (1986), N° 313, 131.

    ROTH, W. – H.

    ROTH, W. – H., Zur Kontrolle allgemeiner Versicherungsbedingungen nach VVG und AGBG in der CMR-Haftpflichtversicherung [On the control of general insurance conditions according to the VVG and the AGBG in CMR liability insurance], Praxis des Internationalen Privat – und Verfahrensrechts IPRax, 6 (1986), 16


    RICHTER-HANNES, D., Die CMR-Konvention über den Beforderungsvertrag im internationalen Strassengutervertrag und die Reformdiskussion [The CMR Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road and the discussion of its reform], DDR Verkehr, 19 (1986), 17.

    PONET, F.

    PONET, F., De overeenkomst van internationaal wegvervoer – CMR. Overzicht van Belgische en buitenlandse rechtspraak 1963-1985 [The contract of international road transport – CMR. Overview of Belgian and foreign case law 1963-1985], Antwerpen, 1986, 650

    IVALDI, P.

    IVALDI, P., Wilful misconduct e colpa grave tra diritto internazionale e diritto interno [Wilful misconduct and gross negligence between international and domestic law], Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale, 22 (1986), 326.

    HAAK, K.F.

    HAAK, K.F., The Liability of the Carrier under the CMR , The Hague, 1986, XVII-395.

    HAAK, K. F.

    HAAK, K. F., The Liability of the Carrier under the CMR , The Hague, Stichting Vervoeradres, 1986.

    FREISE, R.

    FREISE, R., Multimodaler Verkehr unter Beteiligung der Eisenbahn [Multimodal transport with railway participation], Transportrecht, 1986, pp. 317 et seq.

    CHAO, A.

    CHAO, A., Chargement par l’expéditeur et imputation des responsabilités en régime C.M.R. [Loading by the shipper and allocation of responsibilities under the C.M.R. system], Bulletin des Transports, (1986), 509.

    CHAO, A.,

    CHAO, A.,, Le champ d’application de la C.M.R. [The scope of application of the CMR], Bulletin des Transports, (1986), 737.