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Year: 1989

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Ergänzung der CMR durch unvereinheitlichtes nationales Recht – Zur Änderung der KVO [Supplementing the CMR with non-harmonised national law – On the amendment of the KVO], Transportrecht, 12 (1989), 260.

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Person des Reklamierenden im Sinn des Art. 32 Abs. 2 CMR [The person making the complaint within the meaning of Art. 32 (2) CMR], Transportrecht, 12 (1989), 308

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Erstattungspflicht von Frachten, Zöllen und sonstigen Kosten gem. Art. 23 Abs. 4 CMR [The obligation to compensate freight, customs duties and other charges pursuant to Article 23 (4) CMR], Versicherungsrecht (VersR) 1989, 2

    IVALDI, P.

    IVALDI, P., Criteri interpretativi della CMR e responsabilità del vettore terrestre [Interpretation Criteria of the CMR and Land Carrier Liability], Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale, 25 (1989), 617

    HELM, J.G.

    HELM, J.G., Ergänzung der CMR durch deutsches Recht nach Aufhebung von § 1 Abs. 2 KVO [Supplement to the CMR through German law after the cancellation of § 1 Abs. 2 KVO], Transportrecht, 12 (1989), 389

    GLASS, D.A. (with C Cashmore )

    GLASS, D.A. (with C Cashmore ), Introduction to the Law of Carriage of Goods- Ch 3. general commentary on CMR., Sweet and Maxwell, 1989, 265pp.

    ACHARD, R.

    ACHARD, R., Transport en pontée, “Paramount Clause” et article 2 parag. 1 de la CMR- Obs. sous Cass. com. 16 février 1988 Aima ODEN [Carriage on deck, ‘Paramount Clause’ and Article 2 para. 1 of the CMR- Obs. about Cass. com. France 16 Deb. 1988], Droit maritime français, 41 (1989), 219