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Year: 1990

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation


    WERTHMÜLLER, E., Il trasporto di merci su strada nella giurisprudenza , Milano, Giuffrè, 1990


    THEUNIS, J., Die Haftungs des Strassenfrachtführers bei der Ro/Ro-Beförderung [The liability of the road carrier in ro-ro transport], Transportrecht, 13 (1990), 263.

    RODIERE, R. (with Mercadal, B)

    RODIERE, R. (with Mercadal, B), Droit des transports terrestres et aériens [Air and land transport] , 1990, Paris, Dalloz.


    PUTZEYS, J., Observations sur: Hoge Raad, 29 juin 1990 (Gabriëlle Wehr) [Comments on Hoge Raad 29 June 1990 (Gabriëlle Wehr)], European Transport Law (ETL) 1990, p. 631-634


    PUTZEYS, J., Le droit superposé ou les paradoxes de l’article 2 C.M.R. [Overlapping law or the paradoxes of article 2 C.M.R.], European Transport Law, 25 (1990), 107

    PIPER, H.

    PIPER, H., Probleme der CMR unter Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofes, insbesondere zur Ersatzverplichtung des CMR-Frachtführers [Problems of the CMR, taking into account the case law of the Federal Court of Justice, in particular the obligation of the CMR carrier to pay compensation] , Transportrecht, 13 (1990), 357


    CZAPSKI, W., Responsabilité du transporteur routier lors du transroulage et du ferroutage [Liability of the road haulier in roll-on/roll-off and piggyback transport], European Transport Law, 25 (1990), 172-193.


    CRAUCIUC, O.A.G. – MANOLACHE, O., Contractul de transport rutier international de marfuri în lumina conventiei de la Geneva 1956 (CMR) si a practicii judecatoresti si arbitrale [The contract for the international carriage of goods by road in the light of the Geneva Convention of 1956 (CMR) and of judicial and arbitral practice], Dreptul, 1 Seria a III-a, (1990), Nr. 7, 22; Nr. 9-12, 56.

    CHAO, A.

    CHAO, A., Dol, fraude ou infidélité et faute lourde du voiturier. Incidences sur la responsabilité, la réparation due et la recevabilité de l’action [Deception, fraud or infidelity and gross negligence on the part of the valet. Implications for liability, compensation due and admissibility of the action], Bulletin des transports, (1990), 315.

    CHAO, A.

    CHAO, A., Transport routier international. Absence de lettre de voiture et limitation de responsabilité [International road transport. Lack of consignment note and limitation of liability], Bulletin des transports, (1990), 783.