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Year: 2007

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    TUMA, O. J.

    TUMA, O. J., Degré de la faute suivant l’art. 29 de la CMR II – aperçu par pays [The degree of fault in Art. 29 CMR – overview by country], European Transport Law, 2007, 42 (2007), pp. 355-382.

    TUMA, O. J.

    TUMA, O. J., Der Verschuldensgrad des Art. 29 CMR , Transportrecht, 9 (2007), pp. 333-352


    RAMMING, K., Internationalprivatrechtliche Fragen des Multimodal-Frachtvertrages und des Multimodal-Ladescheins [Private international law issues relating to the multimodal transport contract and the multimodal consignment note], Transportrecht (TranspR) 7/8-2007, p. 279-300

    MURRAY, J.

    MURRAY, J., Methods of Interpretation – Comparative Law Method, Actes du colloque pour le cinquantième anniversaire des Traités de Rome, Luxembourg, 26 mars 2007;

    MARTIUS, H. P. A. J.

    MARTIUS, H. P. A. J., , The use of electronic means of communication under the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods By Road


    KOZUKA S., The economic implications of uniformity in law , Uniform Law Review (2007), 683-695.

    KEYZER, L.

    KEYZER, L., Ondervervoer – opvolgend vervoer (Artikel 3 – 34 e.v. CMR) [Sub-carriage – successive carriage (Article 3 – 34 et seq. CMR)], European Transport Law, 42 (2007), pp. 325-338

    HUIZEN, PH. H. J. G. VAN

    HUIZEN, PH. H. J. G. VAN, Enkele beschouwingen rondom art. 29 CMR [Some reflections around Article 29 CMR], European transport law, 42 (2007), pp. 339-353


    John Felemegas, An International Approach to the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on contracts for the International Sale of goods (1980) as Uniform Sales, , Law Cambridge University Press, 2007.


    BERLINGIERI, P., Article 29.1 CMR from an Italian perspective, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor HandelsRecht (NTHR), (2007) 1, pp. 16-18.