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Year: 2012
Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Authors | Year | Citation |
WYDZIALKIEWICZ, P., Przedawnienie i jego skutki w Konwencji o umowie międzynarodowego przewozu drogowego towarów (CMR) [Statute of limitations and its effects in the Convention on the contract of carriage of goods by road (CMR)], Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego, 2012, t. 10 |
VERHEYEN, W., Fleximodal contracts and CMR: the Belgian approach.” , (2012) 18(5) Journal of International; Maritime Law 364. |
TOUNTOPOULOS, V.D., Die griechische Rechtsprechung zum Begriff des »wilful misconduct« des Frachtführers nach Art. 29 CMR [Greek case law on the concept of »wilful misconduct« of the carrier under Art. 29 CMR], TranspR 7-2012, p. 283-290 |
SPANJAART, M., Godafoss, the applicability of the CMR within multimodal contracts of carriage , Transportrecht (TranspR) 7-2012, p. 278-282 |
TEUNISSEN, J.H.J., De beperking van de aansprakelijkheid van de vervoerder onder de CMR [The limitation of the carrier’s liability under the CMR], Claringbould, M.H. et al. (eds.), Verbindend Recht, Liber Amicorum K.F. Haak, Deventer, Kluiwer, 2012, p. 493-510. |
THUME, K.-H. |
THUME, K.-H., Vereinbarungen über die Qualität des Transports und deren Auswirkungen auf die zwingende Haftung gem. § 425 ff. HGB und Art. 17 ff. CMR. [Agreements on the quality of transport and their impact on mandatory liability according to § 425 ff. HGB and Art. 17 ff. CMR.], Transportrecht (TranspR) 10/11-2012, p. 426-433. |
MARIANI, P., Recognition and enforcement of judgments in carriage of goods by road matters in the European Union. Case commentary on: TNT Express Nederland BV v AXA Versicherung AG (C-533/08) EU:C:2010:243; [2011] R.T.R. 11; [2010] 5 WLUK 10 (ECJ (Grand Chamber)), (2012) 8(1) Journal of Private International law 17. |
KOLLER, I., Haftung des Frachtführers beim Huckepack-Transport – Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 15.12.2011 – I ZR 12/11 [Liability of the carrier in case of piggyback transport – Comment to BGH 15.12.2011 – I ZR 12/11], LMK 2012, 337948 |
HOEKS, M.A.I.H., CMR OF EEX? Van Samenloop, litispendentie en het vrij verkeer van beslissingen in Europa, Hof van Justitie EU 4 mei 2010 zaak C-533/08 (TNT Express/Axa) [CMR or Brussels I? About concurrence, lis pendens and free exchange of judgments in Europe, ECJ 4 May 2010, Case C-533/08 (TNT Express/AXA)], Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR), 2012, p. 468-472. |
HOEKS, M.A.I.H., Vallend water en verdwenen vis – Hoe bevoegdheid de toekomst van het multimodaalvervoerrecht bepaalde [Falling water and disappearing fish – How competence determined the future of multimodal transport law], Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht (NTHR) 2012-5, p. 237-248. |