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Year: 2015

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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    VERHEYEN W., EEX(bis) and CMR: the return of parallel proceedings? , Europees Vervoerrecht, 2015, vol. 50 (2), pp.145-170.

    TILCHE, M.

    TILCHE, M., Transroulage : Usage fréquent texte complexe? [Transroulage: Frequent use of complex text?], Bulletin des transports et de la logistique (2015), N°3566, p.

    TILCHE, M.

    TILCHE, M., CMR: Version française, Bulletin des transports et de la logistique (2015), N°3566, p.

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., Harmonising the Fragmented Law of Transport Through Soft Law?, European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, 2015, pp.62-66.

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., Legal Conceptualisations of the Freight Forwarder: Some comparative reflections on the disunified law of forwarding, Journal of International Maritime Law (JIML), 2015, pp.445-459


    SÁNCHEZ-GAMBORINO, F.J., New Spanish Law on Contracts of Goods : Act 15/2009 dated 11 november 2009, A faithful son of the CMR with som discrepancies, ETL 50 (2015) 625


    LEGROS C., Procédure d’insolvabilité et action en paiement du transporteur, quelle juridiction compétente ? : Note sous CJUE 2 septembre 2014 – Nickel & Goeldner Spedition / Kintra (Affaire C-157/13 [Insolvency proceedings and carrier’s action for payment, which court has jurisdiction? Note on CJEU September 2, 2014], Rev. crit. DIP n°1/2015, p. 207-221. Réf. HAL: hal-01654188


    LEGROS C., Interpreting International Shipping Law with EU Soft Law Instruments , (2015) European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, pp.32-38

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Haftung für Güterschäden nach Ablieferung an den Empfänger oder an den nachfolgenden Teilstreckenfrachtführer bei unimodalen und multimodalen Transporten [Liability for damage to goods after delivery to the recipient or to the subsequent partial carrier in unimodal and multimodal transport], Transportrecht (TranspR), 7/8-2015, p. 267-272

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Haftung für Güterschäden nach Ablieferung an den Empfänger oder an den nachfolgenden Teilstreckenfrachtführer bei unimodalen und multimodalen Transporten [Liability for damage to goods after delivery to the recipient or to the subsequent partial carrier in unimodal and multimodal transport], Transportrecht (TranspR) 7/8-2015, p. 267-272