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Year: 2019

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation


    SCHELIN, J., Om artikel 2 CMR : ”Piggy back operations” i nordiskt ljus, Sjörättsbiblioteket Nr 4/2019, 8, p.8.


    LEGROS C., Improving International Uniform Transport Law by Creating Interpretative Committees , in Maritime Research Handbook on Maritime Law and Regulation, Edward Elgar Publishing 2019, p.12. Réf. HAL: hal-02134267

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Beweislast für den ordnungsgemäBen Zustand des Gutes bei dessen Übernahme, insbesondere für die Vorkühlung [The burden of proof for the proper condition of the goods upon receipt, in particular for pre-cooling], Transportrecht (TranspR) 1-2019, p.1-5

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Haftungshöchstsumme bei teilweisem Verlust und teilweiser Beschädigung gemäß CMNI, CMR sowie HGB und MÜ [The limit of liability in case of partial loss or partial damage according to CMNI, CMR the German Commercial code and the Montreal Convention], RdTW 2019, p. 41-51

    HÖRNIG, J.

    HÖRNIG, J., The Contractual Liability Regime on the Multimodal Transhipment in Combination of Road and Air Segments , THESIS Diss. Luzern, Bern, Stämpfli Verlag, 2019, 352 pp.


    GENCY-TANDONNET D. – PIEDELIEVRE S., Droit des transports [Transport law], LexisNexis, 2ds ed. 2019


    ECKARDT, T., Art. 22-51 CMR, in: Commercial Law – Article-by-Article Commentary ( Ed. Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, Verlag) , C.H. Beck/Nomos/Hart Publishing, München/Baden-Baden/Oxford, 2019

    DABROWSKI, D. (and K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk)

    DABROWSKI, D. (and K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk), Międzynarodowe konwencje przewozowe [International Transport Conventions], Szczecin 2019


    BÄCKDÉN, P. , Applicability of the CMR to road transport under a multimodal contract of carriage and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, [2019] 5 Journal of Business Law 219


    BOKAREVA, O., Uniformity of Transport Law through International Regimes, Diss. Lund, Elgar, Cheltenham, 2019, 317 pp.