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Year: 2023

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., Gevolgschade, beredderingskosten en het CMR-verdrag [Consequential damage, mitigation costs and the CMR Convention], Weg en Wagen (100), 2023, pp. 30-37.


    LAMONT-BLACK, S., The UK Supreme Court in JTI Polska Sp Zoo v Jakubowski , Transportrecht (TranspR) 2023-11/12, p. 451-453.


    LEGROS C., La force du précédent en droit britannique ou les limites de l’interprétation uniforme des conventions internationales de droit matériel (à propos de: JTI POLSKA Sp. Z o.o. and others v Jakubowski and others [2023] UKSC 19) [The Power of Precedent in British Law or the Limits of Uniform Interpretation of International Conventions of Substantive Law (on : JTI POLSKA Sp. Z o.o. and others v Jakubowski and others [2023] UKSC 19)], Journal du droit international (Clunet) n°4, 2023, var. 7, pp. 1247-1260.


    LEGROS C. , Le CMR Advisory Council : Un outil pour améliorer l’application uniforme de la convention CMR [The CMR Advisory Council: a Tool to Improve the Uniform application of the CMR], Transidit n°78, mai 2023, p. 27

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Transportrecht, Kommentar zu Land-, Luft- und Binnengewässertransport von Gütern, Spedition und Lagergeschäft [Transport Law, Commentary on Land, Air and Inland Waterway Transport of Goods, Forwarding and Warehousing], München, C.H. Beck, 2023

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Beweislast für den „ordnungsgemäßen“ Zustand des Gutes bei der Übernahme, insbesondere dessen Vorkühlung [Burden of proof for the “proper” condition of the goods upon receipt, in particular its pre-cooling], RdTW 2023, p. 465-470


    GARNOWSKI, K., Moment upływu terminu przedawnienia roszczeń z umowy przewozu na gruncie konwencji CMR w świetle znowelizowanego art. 118 k.c. [Moment of expiration of statute of limitations for claims arising from a contract of carriage under CMR convention in the light of the amended Article 118 of the Civil Code], Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego 2023, nr 3

    GLASS, D.A.

    GLASS, D.A., Review of Issues regarding the interpretation of CMR for CMR-AC , Part 1. Transportrecht 2023 (1) , pp. 1-19. 2023. Part 2. Transportrecht 2023 (2), pp. 68-78

    DELEBECQUE, P. (dir)

    DELEBECQUE, P. (dir), Droit des transports [Transport law], Dalloz action; 1st ed. 2023/24


    DABROWSKI, D., Umowa multimodalnego przewozu towarów w prawie krajowym i międzynarodowym [Multimodal freight transport contract in national and international law],, 2023