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Year: 2024

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation


    POELMANS, A., Expeditie: naar bekende en minder bekende wegen vragen [Freight forwarding: Asking about known and lesser known roads], Kruithof, M. and Rogge, J. (eds.), Over verzekerings- en vervoerrecht te land ter zee en in de lucht, Liber Amicorum Kris bernauw, Larcier Intersentia, Antwerpen, 2024, p. 375-403.


    LEGROS C. , CMR, compétence juridictionnelle & appel en garantie (à propos de CA Paris, 6 février 2024), [CMR: jurisdiction and indemnity claims (note on CA Paris, 6 Feb. 2024], European Transport Law 2024/3, pp. 347-354. hal-02501696v1

    KOLACZ, M.

    KOLACZ, M., M, Multiparty and Linked Contracts, Transport Logistics and the Uniform Transport Law: Legal Solutions for Co-operation in Cargo Bundling, Informa 2024

    KOLACZ, M.

    KOLACZ, M., Enforcing green standards in the context of economic dispersal–the example of last mile deliveries, European Transport Law 59(2) 139-175